TITAN Libya for Oil Services (TITAN) is totally Libyan Company established in 2018 as a result of passion, experience and spirit of the youth to deliver the best technical and technological solutions to Oil & Gas to re-develop the green and brown fields, apply the proper EOR methods and provide the full support in unconventional resources by delivering high quality services at competitive prices.

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Tripoli, Libya.


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Our Vision

To becoming one of the leading Oil services provider in our region.

Our Mission

Provide the highest level of Oil services to achieve customer satisfaction.

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Definition : FDP is the study conducted to define the optimum development plan tailored to the particular conditions of your field; it applies equally to brownfield and greenfield development. Our experts work very closely with your team to generate the most beneficial plans according to your goals.

Process: FDP is structured on 4 phases, within a Gate review process to guarantee the best alignment between the FDP outcomes and your needs. The FDP phases are as outlined in the diagram above.

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Definition: The Static and dynamic models of the field are built to optimize the hydrocarbon production and forecast future performance; the reliability of the models lie over their degree of representativeness of the actual field, and the estimation and assessment of their uncertainties. Our approach for Reservoir Modelling can create a very close relationship with your team, through guidance and mentoring.

Process : The general workflow for Reservoir Modelling & Uncertainty Analysis consists of the stages outlined in the diagram above.

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Definition : We are focused on improving the recovery factor by bringing together injection, leading oil field chemicals and services to maximize oil recovery.

Process: screening of optimum IOR/EOR process for your field, recommendation and coordination of laboratory experiments to assess the potential value of the pre-selected processes to be implemented on your field, technical/economical feasibility study, pilot test and full field implementation.

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Feasibility Selection Definition Execution Data Analysis Static & Dynamic Models Surrogate Model ECONOMICS Screening Uncertainty Analysis Modelling Ranking

Definition : the exploitation of non-conventional reservoirs have their own approach and techniques different than the ones used for the exploitation of conventional resources. The successful development of unconventional fields needs an estimation of the OOIP and knowing the physical process that allows the fluid movement from fractures to wellbore, that will define the recovery factor.

Process: Reservoir characterization using the latest technologies in the market. Well type concept by analogy, by analysis or by simulation model's output. Statistical analysis of performance and categorisation of wells.

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Definition : Data visualization and analysis allows you to do a better decision making process, which will optimize production, reduce operating costs and improve static model characterization. We have developed our own tools and techniques to support the production optimizations of your field.

Process : Applying Business Intelligence : data input, visualization and review.

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